Proposing measures to improve aquatic ecosystems and putting them into practice



Water retention in the landscape

Field surveys
Studies with proposals for measures

Zajistíme kontrolu dodržování stanovených podmínek při výstavbě rybích přechodů.

Migration permeability of river

Testing the functionality of fish crossings
Testing of other barriers in watercourses
Telemetry of aquatic animals


Biological surveillance and transfers

Surveillance related to the aquatic environment
Fish, amphibian and plant transfers


Processing of applications under the Act 114/1992 Coll.

Species exemptions, landscape character, riparian vegetation

14_záznam pozice ryb

Nature assessment

Expertise for authorities and applicants
Assessment of the impact of river modifications on biota
Biological assessment
Nature assessment


Species mapping and monitoring

Ichthyological surveys
Mapping of protected species
Mapping of Native Species

Education and consultancy

Lectures, seminars, workshops

Water retention in the landscape
Improving watercourses
Animal telemetry



Miroslav Kubín is the founder of the expert platform AQUAINOVA - Innovation in the world of water. He is a graduate of the Department of Ecology and Environment at the Faculty of Science, Palacký University in Olomouc. He is currently continuing his doctoral studies. His research focuses on the impact of stream modifications on aquatic ecosystems. He has ten years of experience in public administration, many years of experience in project and people management. His expertise is in restoring the natural functions of watercourses and riparian ecosystems. His specialty is water problem solving.

Authorisation and permissions


"We contacted Mr. Kubín in the context of the implementation of the bridge structure on the construction II/449 MUK Uničovice - Litovel, section B (2020), as a biological supervisor. As the construction is located in the protected landscape area, the conditions for its implementation were very strict. Thanks to the professional approach and quick action of the magistrate, we avoided considerable problems and the bridge structure was completed within the required deadline. I will gladly recommend this professional in his field to my colleagues".
"I have been cooperating with Miroslav Kubín for a long time on small watercourse modifications, where I provide mechanical preparatory and auxiliary works for his research. His work is very interesting and the enthusiasm that this expert possesses can only be envied. Working with him is absolutely seamless and the work is always assured to run smoothly. More like this :-)".
Ing. Lucie Kalusová
Lesteka Beskydy, s.r.o.
"I have had the opportunity to work with Miroslav Kubín and I must say that in terms of stream treatment and the protection of ichthyofauna in general, we have made a significant step forward. His ideas, knowledge and drive are an asset to the CRS".
"On the basis of our experience with Mgr. Miroslav Kubín, I can confirm his high professional competence and very good managerial and organizational skills and recommend him as a contract solver and as a cooperating entity in joint projects".
únor 2024 - březen 2025

Testování rybího
přechodu (Nedakonice)

V letošním roce jsme zahájili přípravu monitoringu rybího přechodu v Nedakonicích. Monitoring se realizuje dle standadru AOPK.

Květen - prosinec 2023

Biological supervision
(sesuv Hanušovice)

Zajištění biologického dozoru pro společnost M-Silnice a.s. Transfery ZCHD rostlin a živočichů, návrhy kotvení říčního dřeva.

leden-prosinec 2023

Vodozádržná opatření (Rajec)

Pro společnost KofolaČeskoslovensko a.s. a Kvapka Rajeckej doliny z.s. jsme realizovali odborný workshop a vodozádrž. opatření.

listopad 2022

For Lesy České republiky s.p. jsme realizovali infiltrační opatření a opatření na podporu biodiverzity.

Leden - prosinec 2023

Testování rybího
přechodu (Úpa II.)

V roce 2023 proběhlo další testování rybího přechodu na řece Úpě. Po drobných úpravách rybího přechodu dopadlo testování úspěšně.
leden-prosinec 2022-2023

Testování rybího přechodu (Bečva)

For Povodí Moravy s.p., jsme v roce 2022 testovali rybí přechod, který byl složený z přírodě blízké a technické části RP.

Březen-prosinec 2022

Náš tým provedl na žádost soukromého investora testování rybího přechodu v Bohuslavicích nad Úpou.


Provádíme supervizi supervising the involvement of monitoring systems for fish and river wood detection v the Podyjí National Park.


Water containment measures

For a private lend owner we carried out the design and supervision of water retention measures in his garden.

květen-listopad 2021

V průběhu roku jsme provedli v rámci České republiky celkem 60 ichtyologických průzkumů.

DUBEN 2021

In cooperation with ONDRÁŠOVKA, a.s. and KOFOLA ČESKOSLOVENSKO, a.s., jsme v Ondrášově provedli vodozádržná opatření a založili přírodě blízký les.


For the Forests of the Czech Republic we created a video spot about water retention in the landscape. The water retention measure was implemented in the Beskydy Mountains in autumn 2020.


Biological supervision

From July to December 2020 we carried out biological surveillance in Litovel for PORR, a.s. and M-Silnice, a.s. Provedli jsme odlov ryb a škeblí.


Čujkovova 1714/21 
700 30 Ostrava – Zábřeh
IČO:     14070847
DIČ: CZ14070847
Číslo účtu: 6139567359/0800
IBAN: CZ51 0800 0000 0061 3956 7359
Česká spořitelna, a. s. 
IDDS: kgry2kc
Mgr. Miroslav Kubín
jednatel společnosti
Tel.:      + 420 736 500 927